Phonological awareness is a crucial cornerstone of literacy development. The following tests — FELA, AIST-2, SPAT-R, and SEAPART — are designed to help teachers, speech pathologists, and educational psychologists assess specific areas of phonological and phonemic awareness, and plan interventions accordingly. Please choose the appropriate test(s) and place orders below.

Please Note

  • All tests are digital download only.

  • For Australian customers, 10% GST will be added at checkout.

  • My ABN is 36406367493.

  • For anyone administering the tests: there are no formal qualification requirements, but it is expected that you will be thoroughly familiar with test administration and interpretation, will have watched the included demonstration video, and will have practised giving the test before administering it formally to students.

  • For any enquiries, please get in touch.

FELA — Foundations of Early Literacy Assessment

This is a diagnostic test that assesses two foundational early literacy skills: basic phonological/phonemic awareness, and grasp of the alphabetic principle, including nonword reading and spelling. The FELA is administered individually, and takes up to 25-30 minutes. It is suitable for use with students who speak English as an additional language or dialect, as well as students whose first language is English. The FELA can be administered just before children start formal schooling, and remains relevant for monitoring progress through the Early Primary years. FELA scores are interpreted in terms of mastery of skills at appropriate grades, aligned with the Australian Curriculum. Suggestions for test interpretation and follow-up support are provided in the manual.

The download includes a video demonstrating administration and scoring; the manual; electronic stimulus presentations (a laptop or tablet is necessary for delivering the stimuli); administration scripts; and scoresheet.

Available for a single administrator, or with a site license that entitles the purchaser to download and copy the test to multiple computers within their organisation, with unlimited users allowed.

FELA (single administrator)
FELA (with site license)

AIST-2 — Astronaut Invented Spelling Test-2

This is a screening test of phonemic awareness and the early development of knowledge of common English spelling patterns. The test is suitable for primary school aged children, and may be administered individually or in groups. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete. Australian norms are provided for the first four years of formal schooling, as well as guidelines for the diagnostic interpretation of test results. The manual provides suggestions for support and intervention.

The download includes a video demonstrating administration and scoring; the manual; the AIST-2 spelling worksheet; administration instructions; a paper-and-pen scoring grid and optional excel files to assist scoring; and case studies to assist interpretation of individual and whole-class results.

Available for a single administrator, or with a site license that entitles the purchaser to download and copy the test to multiple computers within their organisation, with unlimited users allowed.

AIST-2 (single administrator)
AIST-2 (with site license)

SPAT-R — Sutherland Phonological Awareness Test-Revised

This is a diagnostic test of phonological and phonemic awareness (syllable awareness, rhyming, phoneme identification, and phoneme manipulation). The SPAT-R also includes brief tests of nonword reading and spelling, with a diagnostic analysis of phonemic awareness as demonstrated by nonword spelling skills. Australian norms are provided covering the first to the fourth year of schooling. The SPAT-R is administered individually, and takes up to 15 minutes. Alternative forms are available.

The download includes a video demonstrating administration and scoring; the manual; stimulus pages; and two versions of the scoring form: one test form that includes the administration script and a shorter form that includes only the test items.

Available for a single administrator, or with a site license that entitles the purchaser to download and copy the test to multiple computers within their organisation, with unlimited users allowed.

SPAT-R (single administrator)
SPAT-R (with site license)

SEAPART - School Entry Alphabetic and Phonological Awareness Readiness Test

This is a screening test of phonological awareness and early alphabet knowledge, suitable for administration to children just before or just after school entry. The SEAPART is criterion referenced, providing information about the mastery of foundational skills. It is administered individually, and takes about 10 minutes. The manual provides suggestions for early intervention and support on the basis of test results.

The download includes a video demonstrating SEAPART administration, scoring and interpretation; the manual; the electronic stimulus presentation (a laptop or tablet is necessary for delivering the stimuli); and the scoresheet.

Available for a single administrator, or with a site license that entitles the purchaser to download and copy the test to multiple computers within their organisation, with unlimited users allowed.

SEAPART (single administrator)
SEAPART (with site license)

About Roslyn

Dr Roslyn Neilson is a speech pathologist with extensive experience in research, teaching, and clinical practice in the area of children’s literacy.

For all enquiries please get in touch.